July scores some of the most important events of the windsurfing calendar especially in North America and on the PWA World Tour...
PWA has cancelled 4 scheduled Tour events this year, but they are back on track with 3 events set for their busiest month of the year. Like in years past, the wave event in Pozo was confirmed only weeks ago. And just in the nick of time, the live webcast returns to Pozo, perhaps the Tour's most dramatic venue. The Broadcast is planned for all week, Monday through Saturday June 2 - 7. Just last week, Tenerife was confirmed and is good to go for July 12 - 17. When they're finished with the wave contest there, the last stop will be a slalom and freestlyle competition in Fuerteventura set for July 20 -30.
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The Aruba Hi-Winds, originally partnered as an event with the PWA, who cancelled their participation, continues as an annual event. Dates are from
Tuesday July 3 until Monday July 9. They have slightly modified the schedule for this year: Tuesday will be registration day, Wednesday will be the first day of competition and Monday, July 9, will be the last day of windsurfing competition.
Aruba Hi-Winds.

The Gorge Windfest marks the beginning of the high season for the Columbia Gorge Windsurfing
Association. This July 7 - 8 event is a big fund raiser for the association.
Windfest Highlights: Unlimited Gear Demos • Free Clinics Local Pros • Free Beginner Lessons Provided by Big Winds • Live Outdoor Music on Saturday • Raffles and Prizes • Tasty Food, Beer & Wine for Sale • Sunday Morning Swap Meet • Volunteers Eat Free ~ Contact them for more information or if you’d like to get involved: cgwa@gorge.net • 1-541-386-9225

Cabarete, Dominican Republic will be hosting the 7th Annual Pablito Guzman’s Cabarete Classic. This years event is scheduled for July 12th to the 15th, 2012. One can compete in Kiteboarding or Windsurfing or just go and enjoy watching this colorful event. The competitions will include long distance races for all ages plus formula, slalom and free-style competitions.
Pablito Guzman founded the event and brought it to life. He is a Cabarete native and world competitor for the past twenty years holding several national titles. Pablito is dedicated to improving the community through helping disadvantaged children to be able to learn and participate in the great sport of windsurfing. Under his direction, Pablito Guzman’s Watersports Team was formed to offer local students the opportunity to build self-confidence and learn a new sport.
Cabarete Classic

Steve Bodner reported: Registration is open
for next months North American Course Racing Championship for the Formula
Windsurfer & Kite boarding fleets hosted by the St. Francis Yacht Club:
Notice of Race. 5 days
of races are planned with the starting line just off Crissy Field on the San
Francisco city front from July 18 - 22. Bring you "A game" because this ain't
your normal dog & pony show. Each fleet will be racing with their own
start and a combined 'Round the rock' race will be held at the conclusion of
racing on Sunday where kites & boards will attempt to navigate around San
Francisco Bay's most famous rock.

Karen Marriott said: US Windsurfing is thrilled to announce that Sam Bittner (organizer of the AWT), the Columbia Gorge Windsurfing Association, Big Winds and Sailworks have banded together to rescue the 2012 US Windsurfing National Championships in Hood River this summer. The Slalom, Formula and Freestyle Nationals will take place at the Event Site in Hood River from July 23-26.
Registration i
s open now. Everyone involved is working hard to make sure that the event will be fantastic and we hope to see you all there! Head AWT judge Matt Pritchard says, "The US Nationals are the backbone of racing in the USA! We need to keep the flame alive and do everything we can to save the Nationals for 2012!" Get there early and you can race in the Gorge Cup Series, Race # 4 on July 21. And a sold out ABK rolls into Hood River on July 28.

The AWT will be in Baja to start their event on July 28.
SoloSports reports: "We offer a special $1,500.00 price for the week of the contest including all food and beverages (we eat like kings). Drinks include beer, wine, spirits, cocktails and our world famous Baja Fogs. Use of all the toys like surfboards, stand up paddle boards, kayaks, mountain bikes and more will be included. Each guest get’s a deluxe mini cabin tent fully loaded with pads, pillows and freshly laundered sleeping bags. Daily hot showers, internet, and use of the game room, with TV/DVD, pool table, darts, foosball and library are also available. You can add flight from San Diego to camp for $650.00 to those that want the upgrade." Keith Taboul said, "So for me the event in Baja is close to my heart because it is where I learned to wavesail."

Officially, the Olympics, aka the London Games, begin July 27 and end August 12. RS:X racing runs from July 31 - August 7.
Sailing will happen at Weymouth and Portland.
Please survey the abundant number of events for July and August on the DaNewsBlog

Maui Race Series has 2 events remaining: The Quicksilver Cup - July 16 and The Neil Pryde Hawaii State Championship - July 28.
The Maui News
reported, Hot Sails Maui Grand Prix (June 30), "Micah Buzianis defeated his training partner Phil McGain in six of seven races to win titles in the pro A fleet and 40-49 age division..."
Photos of the event by Harry Wiewel
Below is Harry Wiewel's Facebook video report of the Maui Race Series second event: The DaKine Classic - June 16. Harry does good work as a videographer and is also an excellent photographer. And just in case you missed it, go to
for the event report. Dakine Classic
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