Windsport has provided an easy way to compare the dimensional differences between brands. The iframe below is a half scale mirror image of the real web page. The iframe (may not work in all browers) is live and all links are active. Zoom your page view for easier reading. 10 2013 5.3 m. Crossover & Power Wave Sails. If budget is an issue, the past Windsport Annual Gear Tests will help you find the latest and greatest not quite current gear.
Windmag, a French language magazine, offers a plethora of reviews for 2012 Gear. Go here and select either Tests boards (planches) or Tests sails (voiles). Parlez-vous français? If you don't, then you'll need to deal with a text translator. Either copy and paste to Google Translate or highlight and right click to use Bing Translate.
And don't forget to look for product reviews on the manufacturers websites, like this 2013 Flatwater Test Special about Starboard's 2013 Carve, Futura and Isonic.
The Learners guide to windsurfing was launched on May 25, 2009. As of March 15, 2013 it has been seen by 21,888 unique visitors from 140 unique geographic entities.
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