PWA tour media representative Ed Sinclair put together this group interview, taken from 2 articles, about slalom racing reprinted here with permission. All photos by John Carter.

Tine Slabe (RRD / Al360) That is the hardest part and maybe the most important. The trick is to stay very concentrated and on the other hand calm. You need to know how far you can go in how much time. And you count the last twenty seconds in your head, that is how I do it at least.
Cyril Moussilmani (Severne / Starboard) No special tricks I just close my eyes and go...

Enes Yilmazer (JP / NeilPryde) You have to know a couple of points before to chose your strategy for the start:
-Try to start on favorite side, pin or boat or middle.
-Stay away from top guys or possible riders that can block your wind or your start area.
-Know the start area and how long will it take for a full speed start.
-Try to time yourself so you go full blast for the last 15 seconds.
-Always be aware of possible upwind and downwind changes you might do depending on other races or timing.
-Try to start without doubts; don’t slow down at the last second.
Jesper Orth (F2) Everybody knows that the starts in Slalom are extremely important. To hit the start line with 100% speed on the buzzer is the ultimate goal. How do I get to this stage of consistent good starts? It is quite hard to practice starts when not competing, unless you have 8 other keen sailors and a start boat with a line setup.

With 2 min to go you cross the start line backwards and check your watch is spot on. From here on everybody have different routines. Some will sail a long way out, other will be close to the start line, high and low. Stick to your plan where you want to start! And believe in you own timing with the watch. More than often most sailors will be early to the start line and slow down a bit. Do some practice starts before the real start to get your timing right. If you sail places where there are visible marks like jetty’s, buoys, trees or marks on land – then make some check point. Check the time on your watch, from the possible markings in near full speed to the start line and make a mental note, for the real start to check if you are early or late.

Every location is different so different tactic can apply. In gusty offshore wind, it is more important to be closer to the line than try to come with full speed from behind. In rolling waves it is important to start on the front of a wave and not behind it, so even if it means a little less speed hitting the start line, - then make sure to be in front of one. Work on your acceleration in your gear. This will improve your chances for good starts and extra boost out of the start line.
Don’t be intimidated by the other sailors with "big names." Sail over the top of them or push them upwind before the start if you need to. They would do the same to you if they needed. There is No Rules – but remember to keep it fair…
We asked the world's fastest sailors to share their knowledge when it came to going faster in a straight line.

Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / North) Try to tune your gear well at the start of your session.
Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) The best way to go fast on the straights is to have perfect tuning. The best way to do that is to speed test with a friend and try different ways of setting your sail. Here’s what to try: different mast track position, different boom height positions and different tensions of downhaul. You will be able to feel the difference by doing this, and you will know what feels easier to go faster and what is slower.
Tine Slabe (RRD / AL360) Stay focused on the water a few meters in front of your board and try to read the waves and imagine where is the most flat. Despite this, sail a lot and I mean a lot especially in you have a chance with faster guys than you!
Enez Yilmazer (JP / NeilPryde)
1-Tuned gear: you need to have a good balanced gear that you can hold on to at high end and still get pressure when you need it at low end
2-Downhaul - make sure you have a good amount of downhaul, go out there adjust and try to feel the difference
3-Fin - make sure you choose a good fin - can change your world
4- Power - try to keep your gear balance and push the power of the sail to board through your legs and try to keep the lift.

In lighter winds I work on the exact opposite. I try to get further out on the rail of the board and really work on the fin to get it lifting, and I really focus on keeping the rig upright so that I have as much power as possible to keep the lift and I will hopefully be flying down the reach.
If you have a question you would like to ask the professionals just post it on PWA Facebook.
There's more... Kurosh Kiani wrote a 6 part series for Windsurfer, Pro Slalom Secrets; Peter Volwater and Peter De Wit co-wrote 2 articles, Elements of Speed. Find these on the Learners guide page Racing. More speed tips from Albeau, Pritchard, Peterson on the Hodgepodge page.
"Discover the hidden potential of your slalom equipment with 10 easy and practical golden rules! Often this more technical gear does not allow us to feel comfortable and relaxed when surfing. Therefore we are now going to give you the answers to the most common problems. Give priority to modifying the trim of the gear, starting with the first solution given. If this does not work, continue to the second listed advice and so on…" 10 Golden Rules of Slalom
More Pro Tips from Boardseeker with this video about the Slalom Gybe.